Who is Erasme

Erasme is the french name of Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus was a Dutch philosopher and Christian scholar who is considered to have been one of the greatest scholars of the northern Renaissance! Take a look at his wikipedia page! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erasmus

Our story

You may ask yourself: How did they manage to create so nice-looking characters using so few pixels?

It's a long story from 18 years ago... it begins when we were in high school

It all started with a bad black and white photocopy of an Erasme painting that a teacher gave to the class. It was a really bad copy. The contrast was awful and it had dirty photocopier lines. We found it really funny, it looked like his arms where directly attached to his big belly! With very bad drawing skills, we reproduced it everywhere: on our notebook's margins, on our backpacks, on the chalk board when the teacher wasn't looking. Everyone in the class loved it as it was so funny and friendly looking. They started to draw Erasme everywhere!

A few weeks later, the same teacher gave the class another very bad photocopy of a painting! This time it was a Voltaire painting. Voltaire was born, with the same minimalist badly hand-drawn style! It was so fun to draw them than everyone did it! Voltaire and Erasme quickly became a meme in our class, then in our school, before the word was invented.

We used them everywhere: in our paintings in art class, in our essays in English class, as the main characters in personal writing projects, as our avatar in MSN messenger!

Each time we came across a philosopher's or scholar's painting, we imagine how it would look like as a bad photocopy, and created new characters: Thomas More, Guillaume Budé, Descartes, and more!

Naturally, when we learned to code a few years later, we used them as characters in a small videogame! That's when they were designed as you know them!

Since then, they were still used now and then in various projects, and kept fond memory about them. We knew that one day Erasme, Voltaire and friends will be part of something bigger!

Erasme painting

Wow! This is the original painting that inspired us to create these Erasme's NFT!

Working on
Erasme's design

Working on the design, we can already see the black round shape of Erasme! Almost perfect!

Erasme's design

The final design, made with love using Microsoft Paint! Perfect!

The story would have ended here, but an unexpected event changed everything!

Fast forward to 2021: We discovered the wonderful world of the NFTs. We immediately thought about Erasme and Voltaire, and how nice would it be to let live forever in the blockchain!

We learned, learned, and learned more about the cryptocurrencies, the NFTs and the blockchains! And we created the Erasme Legacy NFTs to share our love of Erasme and Voltaire with the whole world! We are so grateful that a lot of people love them!

During all this time, the BULO was there, but we can't tell anything about it for now.

Voltaire painting

Wow! This is the original painting that inspired us to create these Voltaire's NFT!

Working on
Voltaire's design

Working on the design, we can already see the black round shape of Voltaire! Almost perfect!

Voltaire's design

The final design, made with love using Microsoft Paint! Perfect!

Look at this amazing
Erasme NFTs!

What is the BULO? Where does its power come from? Some people have hypothesis about that... But the main question remains: How did Erasme acquired the BULO ?

Will you be courageous enough to find out?

But we also have
Voltaire NFTs

Why is Voltaire the enemy of Erasme? What is the source of his fatness? Lots of questions, few aswers ... for now...

Rumors say that he was in contact with the powerful Thomas More and the mysterious G.Budé

Is there a game ?

Not for now, unfortunately!

We have lots of ideas to create a game involving these rare Erasme and Voltaire NFTs.But there is no game for now, and no planning to actually develop a game. I know, it's sad. Here are more Erasme NFT to ease the pain!

Wow! Even the most basic Erasme sparks so much joy!

Some NFTs
are Shiny!!!!

Wow! this Erasme with the hands pointing the ground is Shiny! This position of the hands is called the Blup stance in the Erasme Multiverse.

Shut up and
take my money!

This Voltaire is even Shinier! Wow!